
Southern California Han Hwa Association

Tel: 213-625-2580 Fax: 213-625-2530

舊金山、優勝美地、那帕酒鄉 、蒙特麗灣 3天遊

報名請洽:    劉會長 213-281-1882    孫首席副會長 949-300-4838    張監事長 909-618-5899
出發: 7/12-14    7:00  羅蘭崗 大華市場(Gale & Nogales)     //     7:30  萬象旅遊(Rosemead Garvey 麥當勞旁)
每位費用:二人一房$198   三人一房$165   單人房$265   兒童$99 (12歲以下;於兩大人同住不佔床位)
費用包含:車資、2晚酒店、優勝美地門票、蒙特麗灣門票、3早3 中2 晚餐。

第01天:  7/12  洛杉磯L.A.  /  17哩美景 Monterey Bay /舊金山灣區 San Francisco (早 中 晚餐)
Day 1: Los Angeles / San Francisco Depart for Monterey Bay. Enjoy fresh sea breeze and stunning views of 17-mile drive along the Pacific coast. You will also enjoy the beautiful ocean view. Arrive at the Beautiful San Francisco Bay Area for overnight.

第02天:  7/13  舊金山灣區 San Francisco  /  那帕酒鄉 Napa Valley (早 中 晚餐)
Day 2: San Francisco / Napa Valley / Visit the famous wine country Napa, where you can taste some of California's finest wines. Learn about the process of wine making and see why Napa is the leading quality wine producer of the world. Visit the Golden Gate Bridge, Fisherman Wharf, Lombard Street, Palace of fine Arts, etc.

第03天:   7/14  舊金山灣區 San Francisco  /  優勝美地Yosemite  /  洛杉磯L.A. (早 中餐 )
Day 3: Yosemite / Los Angeles Depart from L.A. in the morning. Along the beautiful California Central Agriculture Valley, You will see cotton fields, fruit trees along the way. Visit the Yosemite National Park. Have a stroll in the woods or sit by a stream. Let sky-high giant woods, mountains and streams, glacier, and waterfalls soothe your mind. Return to Los Angeles in the evening.
